Teaching Different Generations


I am a teacher at heart. As a professor of communication at the University of Central Florida, my day job revolves around instructing my students. As a consultant, my role involves teaching clients (and being taught). And, as a corporate trainer, my responsibilities include, obviously, training. Yet, what I have found is that each generation has different learning preferences. This eBook describes a few key distinctives of each generation with practical suggestions for teaching the Silent Generation, Baby Boomers, Generation X, Millennials, or Generation Z.



I am a teacher at heart. As a professor of communication at the University of Central Florida, my day job revolves around instructing my students. As a consultant, my role involves teaching clients (and being taught). And, as a corporate trainer, my responsibilities include, obviously, training. Yet, what I have found is that each generation has different learning preferences. This eBook describes a few key distinctives of each generation with practical suggestions for teaching the Silent Generation, Baby Boomers, Generation X, Millennials, or Generation Z.


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